Monday, June 2, 2008

Martin, TN June 1, 2008

We are back home safe. I am writing the blog now because I can find a computer more easily. The trip was a worthwhile endeavor, and I learned much. I am glad to be back home, and have gained a greater appreciation for home. I have learned much from this trip, not just historically, but personally. One of the greatest lessons we can learn from the Holocaust is to value human life, our own and others. I may not agree with someone religiously, politically, etc., but I should never forget that in spite of this, I still have an obligation to treat others with dignity. This is a lesson I can use not only in my future classroom, but in life as well. The trip was emiotional in many ways, such as the experiances at the camps, but fun as well. We did many other things not related to the Holocaust. Even though the trip itself is over, the learning will continue from now on.